People Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) or Chinese Navy has been making a major
transition in the past two decades. It transformed from a coastal defence force
into a naval force that is developing blue water navy capabilities. Confident
with its new naval capabilities and the means to project military power through
the region, China become more assertive, especially regarding the South China
South China Sea contains large deposits of oil and gas and the several islands
and reefs are all claimed by different countries. China doesn’t have large oil
and gas deposits of its own and needs to import these. China’s sea lanes of
communication (SLOCs) stretch all the way from the Chinese coast to the Middle
East and are vulnerable to blockade and interdiction. Having access to oil and
gas deposits closer to home will secure China’s energy dependency and keeps it
economy running.
to a powerful economy, the PLAN has been expanding greatly in the past decade
and improved qualitatively. The PLAN is by now the biggest naval player in the
South China Sea and outnumbers every other country that claims the South China
Sea. However Vietnam has managed in the past years to expand and modernize its
naval forces as well. Although the Vietnamese Navy still dwarfs the PLAN it is
capable of deploying modern warships, especially submarines in a sufficient
number to cause concern for the PLAN.
of the Vietnamese Navy
lacks the huge economy that China possesses. Because of that it will never have
the kind of funding to expand its navy at the same pace China does. But what
Vietnam is lacking in numbers, it makes up with quality. China has a large
fleet but it still is running behind technologically compared to other modern
nations. Although China is closing this gap it allows Vietnam to deploy modern
warships to counter China’s numbers.
of the Vietnamese warships are supplied by Russia, a country that also supplies
military technology to China. This means that Vietnam has access to the same
modern technology as China, allowing it keep pace with China’s maritime
main surface units are two Gepard class frigates build by Russia with two more
under construction. These ships are each capable of firing SS-N-25 Switchblade
anti-ship missiles. These are modern subsonic missiles that entered service in
the Russian armed forces in 2003. It is designed to attack vessels up to a
tonnage of 5.000 tonnes. A SS-N-25
Switchblade missile is thus created to take out frigates, the main type of
surface warship in the PLAN.
Gepard class frigate HQ-011 Da Nang |
also ordered four Sigma class corvettes at the Dutch frim DAMEN of the Sigma
9814 design. It is unsure what weapon systems Vietnam will be installing on
these ships but it is likely that Vietnam will look once again to Russia to
supply the weapon systems. More important is that the first two frigates will
be built in the Netherlands and the last two in Vietnam. This allows Vietnam to
learn how to build these kinds of ships on their own and thereby developing
their shipbuilding capabilities.
greatest strength however lies in its modern fleet of six Russian Kilo class
submarines. Already three of them are in service. These submarines are often
described as being a “black hole” because they are very quiet. China already
acquired Kilo class submarines and used the design to develop its own domestic
build diesel-electric submarines like the Type 041 Yuan class submarines.
with the PLAN vastly outnumbering in submarines one has to take into account
that China has to face several rivals in this area as well as the US Navy. Even
with superior numbers a lot will come down on how well submarine crews are
trained and ready to operate in the waters of the South China Sea.
as a strategic partner
is developing a modern navy and in fact it is the only modern navy in the South
China Sea to challenge the PLAN, or at least to let China be concerned about
the Vietnamese navy strength. It is this naval strength that makes Vietnam an
interesting strategic partner for both India as the US.
is a main rival of China and both countries still have border disputes on their
common borders. China’s support for countries as Pakistan, Bangladesh and
Myanmar give India the feeling that China is trying to surround and contain
India. The presence of PLAN naval units in the Indian Ocean to patrol and
protect the Chinese SLOCs as well as several economic projects in different
ports throughout the Indian Ocean create the idea that China is developing the
means to maintain a continuous naval presence in the Indian Ocean. These
projects, called the String of Pearls span all the way from Myanmar over Sri
Lanka to Pakistan and do surround India.
is vital for India to look for means to keep PLAN naval units out of the Indian
Ocean and Vietnam seems like the logic partner for it. If the Vietnamese Navy
can tie as much PLAN naval units down in the South China Sea then there are
less PLAN warships to patrol in the Indian Ocean. Vietnam gains from this as
well. The backing of the Indian Navy, another emerging large naval power, makes
Vietnam a more serious player and it allows Vietnam to take a more assertive
stance against China.
and India already have been developing their military cooperation that includes
mutual exercises in order to learn how each of these two navies operate and how
they can operate together.
can even be a strategic partner for the United States even if it is only in an
indirect way. Any conflict in the South China Sea will see multiple nations being
involved, including the Philippines. The United States already supports the Philippines
even to the point of using naval bases and selling coast guard cutters to
modernise the navy of the Philippines.
presence of the US Navy supporting the Philippines on one side of the South
China Sea and Vietnam operating on the other side of the South China Sea will
mean that China will have to divide forces to cover all areas. Thus the
presence of the Vietnamese Navy will dilute the PLAN naval strength in this
area in case of a conflict.